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Hi, I’m


 Well… I’d prefer to learn more about you but…

since you clicked on THIS page and since I live by THIS quote: You can have everything in life you want, if you help other people, get what they want.”  

...I’ll give you what you came for 😏

My name’s Hera Zee 👋🏼  and as a Sales + Marketing Strategist & Accidental Agency Owner ( a story for another day!) , I’m pretty obsessed with helping businesses grow and generate more revenue,  both online and off. 

Some people say I’m a serial entrepreneur and they might be right.  I built my first business online in 2010 (that makes me an OG), and I immediately saw what having a solid marketing plan could do for growth and sales.  I dove head first into learning strategies to take myself, and other entrepreneurs to the next level.

I currently own + run 3 businesses, my brain explodes with ideas and my soul is set on fire putting them into action to see my clients double, triple and even quadruple their sales! 🔥

Got questions?  I’m one click away!

*Other relevant information may include:

-YOUR success is MY reputation.

-Those glasses in the picture are not prescription, they’re biohackers.

-There was no actual coffee in that cup and…

-According to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, my IQ is “High Average”.

For any other questions… click that pink button below, to see what it’s like in my world!

Come chill with me on Insta!