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Mastermind Social

The Social Media Mastermind is a small group of my VIP by personal invite only.

As a member, you have direct access to me, along with the other Mastermind Members to help execute  your marketing plan & funnel.

Daily Story prompts are also included so you’re never left wondering what to say on social media to grow your business!


The Mastermind was designed based off what I heard Business owners were NEEDING:  

a Business Coach AND Social Media Strategist in one (at an affordable price… like.. REALLY affordable) !

AND to help you…

— execute the Steps of your Marketing Plan
— attract QUALITY LEADS 
— MAKE SALES on Social Media #score!

I keep the group small & private so I can work closely with each business owner to get them results!  You have officially been invited!

Please apply below.  There’s no commitment.  Should you be accepted,  we can decide then if it’s the right move for you.  (I don’t do pressure, scarcity or FOMO… it’s not my style.)

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Come chill with me on Insta!